What are Chapters?
Local chapters are the major component of the pro-life movement and specifically the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. They help save lives one at a time in communities where they exist, and they are the building blocks of a movement that will one day return legal protection to all unborn children.
A movement, as the name implies, depends on its members and chapters advancing toward the same goals. And the concerted grassroots efforts among our local chapters will be the basis for our success in protecting the right to life in our state.
Chapters of the Federation:
- Provide educational materials and resources about abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia. Provide school and public libraries with pro-life books and pamphlets
- Send qualified speakers to schools, churches, and civic groups.
- Maintain local media contacts
- Provide educational materials and resources about abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.
- Keep abreast of state and national pro-life developments in order to educate their community.
- Follow current political activity and legislation both state and federal, to help pro-life candidates become elected and pass pro-life laws.
- Encourage the support of pregnancy service groups
- Conduct membership drives and various fund raising events
Volunteer With a Chapter Today
One more letter written, one more phone call made, one more dollar contributed will help to pass pro-life legislation and educate those in our communities who do not yet know the truths about abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. Your time, talents and resources are needed to win.
Chapter Directory
We have active chapters throughout the state. This directory lists county names followed by chapter names. Please join the closest chapter to your area.
If you do not see a chapter for your county but would be interested in starting one, please contact us at 717-541-0034.
PHL – Pennsylvanians for Human Life
CCHL – Citizens Concerned for Human Life
RTL – Right to Life
Adams County
Adams County PHL
Bedford County
CCHL Bedford County
Blair County
CCHL Blair County
Bucks County
Bucks County RTL
Cambria County
CCHL Cambria/Somerset
Centre County
CCHL Centre County
Clearfield County
CCHL Dubois
Crawford County
Crawford Citizens for Life
Cumberland County
Greater Harrisburg PHL
Dauphin County
Greater Harrisburg PHL
Erie County
People for Life
Jefferson County
CCHL Dubois
Juniata County
CCHL Mifflin/Juniata
Lackawanna County
Scranton PHL
N Luzerne County
Wyoming Valley PHL
S Luzerne County
Hazleton PHL
Lycoming County
Susquehanna PHL
Mifflin County
CCHL Mifflin/Juniata
Monroe County
Pocono PHL
Northampton County
Bethlehem/Easton PHL
Perry County
Greater Harrisburg PHL
Somerset County
CCHL Cambria/Somerset
Washington County
Washington PHL
Westmoreland County
Westmoreland PHL
York County
Pro Life of York County