Maria Gallagher serves as Executive Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, the state affiliate of National Right to Life. Prior to her work with the Federation, Maria worked as a legislative associate with Ohio Right to Life. Before joining the pro-life cause, Maria worked as a reporter and news producer. Maria earned her Bachelor’s degree in journalism at Ohio State University and her Master’s degree in journalism at Northwestern University. Maria is a published author and a regular contributor to National Right to Life News Today.
Maria Gallagher
Executive Director
Remil carries out the organization’s mission of educating the public about pro-life issues through research, writing, and speaking. Prior to this, she worked closely with schools and non-profits, educating young ones on various topics and speaking truth and dignity into their circumstances. Her favorite topic to speak about is the preciousness of each individual life and the reverence we owe every person because of this inherent dignity, which she believes is the essential pro-life message that can effect change into the existing culture of death. Remil is also the host of Positively Pro-Life Podcast.
Remil Teny
Education Director


The Dobbs Decision
Pro-Life Apologetics
Pro-Life Feminism
Media Myths
Planned Parenthood
Humanity of the Pre-Born
Voting Pro-Life
The Black Genocide
Men and Abortion
Doctor-Prescribed Suicide
Building a Culture of Life
The Heart of an Abortion Minded Woman
The Myth of the “Unwanted Child”
Breakdown of Families by Abortion